Magda Kulik
Attorney-at-lawSBA Family Law Specialist
International Association of Family Lawyers (IAFL)VF / FAForum spécialisé des avocats en droit de la familleODAGEUIA
Complex DivorcesInternational CasesMatrimonial Property DivisionRelocationEmergency SituationsHigh-conflit Custody and Visitation DisputesLump-sum Taxation and Specific Implications in Divorce
- Obtained title of SBA Family Law Specialist Attorney, 2018
- CAS Family Law, 2018
- Admission to the International Academy of Family Lawyers ( IAFL is a worldwide association of practicing lawyers who are recognized by their peers as the most experienced and skilled family law specialists in their respective countries), 2015
- Partner and founder of the Law Firm in Geneva in 2012
- Attorney, BMG Attorneys, Geneva, 2008-2012
- Attorney, Law Office of Anne Reiser, Geneva, 2004-2008
- Admitted to the Bar in 2003
- Trainee lawyer, Budin & Associates Law Firm, Geneva, 2001-2003
- Universities of Geneva, Zurich and Sheffield (Master of Law, University of Geneva, 2001)
Presentations and publications
- 2024: Chairs the forum of family law specialist attorneys, created by the Geneva Bar Association, since 2017
- 2023: Contributor to the book Inheritance and the Family Business: How to Deal With Inheritance When The Main Assets Are In A Family Business, in Lexis Nexis
- 2021: Panelist - Capsule Format - University of Geneva - On Some Hot Topics in Private International Law - Practitioners' Perspective
- 2021: Lugano Convention 2007: A Family Law Perspective from IAFL (International Academy of Family Lawyers)
- 2021: Speaker at the General Assembly of Family and Property Law - National Council of Bar Associations - Paris - Brexit: The New Reality in Family Law
- 2020: Panelist - Mills & Reeve, London - Brexit The Known Unknowns: international family law experts discuss how to navigate new relationship with UK - Webinar
- 2020: Panelist - International Academy of Family Lawyers - Brexit and marriage breakdown - Webinar
- 2019: Law firm ranked 3rd best Swiss firm in family law, and best firm in Geneva and French-speaking Switzerland according to Le Temps and Bilanz survey of 6,500 lawyers (3rd consecutive year of being ranked among the best Swiss law firms)
- 2018: Obtained SBA Family Law Specialist Attorney title and Certificate of Advanced Studies in Family Law, Universities of Geneva and Neuchâtel
- 2017: Appointed by the Bar Association to establish and lead the Specialized Forum of Family Law Attorneys
- 2017: Law firm ranked 3rd best Swiss firm in family law following survey conducted by Le Temps and Bilanz among 6,500 lawyers
- 2015: Speaker at the General Assembly of Family and Property Law - National Council of Bar Associations - Paris - Introduction to Private International Law
- 2014: Panelist - Mid-Year Session of the Family Law Commission - International Union of Lawyers - London
- 2013: Speaker - International Union of Lawyers - Family Law Commission - Macao - Matrimonial Regimes and Prenuptial Agreements
- 2013: First Tuesday - Family Law - Geneva Bar Association and Continuing Education Commission - Recent case law discussion workshop led with Judge Renate Pfister-Liechti of the Civil Court
- 2013: Speaker - CPC: What assessment two years after implementation? Bastions University Conference - Geneva Bar Association and Continuing Education Commission
- 2012: First Tuesday - Family Law - Geneva Bar Association and Continuing Education Commission - Recent case law discussion workshop led with Judge Paola Campomagnani of the Civil Court
- 2011: First Tuesday - Family Law - Geneva Bar Association and Continuing Education Commission - Recent case law discussion workshop led with Judge Paola Campomagnani of the Civil Court
- 2011: Speaker - Conference "Decoding the New Codes" - Geneva Bar Association and Continuing Education Commission - Presentation of special procedures with Judge Xénia Minder of the Civil Court